Why Linux Is the Best Os
It is the best, period. I would give a million of reasons to use and why it is the best, but in this case it is highly recommend for everyone to search and try by itself.
It is secure
As long as windows still have 70% of marketing share, the target for invasions and scammers will always be the most profitable targets, i.e. windows users that do not have any tech literacy.
Windows did a great job at popularizing computers and does a good job for casual users, but let’s be honest, privacy isn’t really a thing there, you are sending microsoft your data everytime, a thing that could be hijacked by an experient hacker, also it is the main OS targeted by hackers and corporations that want to exploit information.
On the other hand linux was always not main stream, those interested by it was always professionals that wanted performance and security, most of the applications avaiable are self hosting, or if they arent, there is always an option waiting to be found by you.
That being the case, the tech literate public wouldnt be so easy exploit as ignorants and also, the public was so small, it isnt a good pay off for exploits, it means less people wanting to target you and more security.
We could also talk about apple, but… it is like windows, a good system with lots of normies, but I wont repeat myself and focus in a new thing.
The license
It might not look like a big thing, but trust me, it is. Windows is a private piece of software, which means that errors are at the mercy of the company developers. If you need something to be solved, just wait for them to decide to do it, even if you report, you also dont know how they actually work and how they manage the information in the OS.
Linux is GPL-2, which means that it is free to study and modify, actually it has a lot of already forked projects like libre kernel or other specialized kernels that I forgot (but there is even for gaming and low latency, truly amazing!). It is a good thing for the intelectual part, but it also means that you can actually see how things are done, increasing our trust in the product, people can actually change and solve problems they have by themselves without waiting for someone to do it, or pay someone to solve for them. Lots of advantages!
And more…
Customization is something people love to do, but you cant do much outside linux, here we can change from icons to the entire desktop environment, even create your own (just need to study the source code to do it).
My recommendations
For beginners that do not want to study about linux, go to distributions like Linux mint, Ubuntu, Pop OS or Mx Linux.
For users that want to learn more about the OS, try Arch linux, gentoo, debian or fedora. The last 2 might seem for beginners, but if you actually use and study it you will see its true value, while Arch and Gentoo, I don’t even need to mention it, even the installation is done manually. (Special mention to Slackware)
If you want to try an even more underground system, try the BSDs, they are the directly son of the original unix.